Jul/16 Notice to Members: Court Maintenance Update

The club has engaged a tennis court specialist company to clean the courts (July 15-19) and, separately, to repair the cracks in the court surface later this season.


We will take advantage of the good weather over the following few days to get the court cleaning done as quickly as possible. We apologize in advance if you may have to wait temporarily for a court due to the maintenance work. We will ensure that there are always 4-6 courts available for use.


Please bear with us during this time. It wasn't easy to get this reliable contractor, and the outcome is worth the inconvenience. We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Thank you!

Jul/12 Save up to 50% on National Bank Open tickets in Toronto

You can still save up to 50% on National Bank Open tickets in Toronto! We have a special promo code from the Ontario Tennis Association because our club is an OTA member. This Ticketmaster link will direct you to our club's landing page with embedded promo code: https://am.ticketmaster.com/nbopentoronto/promotional-page?id=MzgwNw==.


If you need to enter our club's unique promo code before you purchase your tickets, it is TO24CRAIGHENRYTC.


And a note that we didn't get a discount promo code for National Bank Open tickets in Montreal.

Jul/04 Mid-summer news

The club membership has reached full capacity, and the registration is now closed. We might reopen the registration for half-season memberships at some point, but don't bet on that.


There are new members who might still need a key for the practice court. Log in to your account, click the PURCHASE KEY button and complete the transaction. Then come to the club with proof of payment during the attendant hours and pick up your key.

  • Monday-Friday: 5 to 9 p.m.
  • Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The court access code is available online, on the Member Portal. Log in to your club account, and you'll see the current code in the top right corner.